Helicopter charter, rental and hire

Taxi Flights

General helicopter taxi rental prices are based on type of helicopter and the amount of time the rotor is running.  10% bookingfee  is due at the time of sending the booking request form the system, This is deducted from  the payment for the flight which is done directly to the helicoptercompany when the flight is confirmed by the helicopter company operating the tour. Booked and confirmed tours may be rescheduled by the helicopter company according to their routines. If no helicopter company has availability on the requested date and time, a new date and time may be registered without paying additional booking request fee.  Bookingrequest fee is non-refundable. All prices in quotes are based from local currency. Prices calculated and quoted are based on our database with complete information of all helicopter taxi companies in your country. Our database includes the fuel capacity for each helicopter, number of helicopters at hand, helicopter types available on location, price per minute, price per hour, waiting time on ground rates, daylight limitations on your location, opening hours of airports for refueling, and any general or local costs regarding the tour or rental.  The calculations we conduct from your selected specifications are based on weather conditions permitting a direct track to each waypoint on route or destination. Please note that diversions due to weather hindrances may be charged separately by the operating helicopter company.Together with the input you enter, our system gathers all necessary information and dispatch it to the relevant helicopter companies in that part of the country. Advanced calculators compute the price based on your request details and data from the database. This assures you that the most cost-efficient company is recommended as a first choice.  The tax on helicopter transport of people is 12%,  except for certain missions with external load, in which tax is 25%. Most airports have landing fees, also known as the starting fee. This varies with the airport and the helicopter type, and can cost up to NOK 400,-. Overnight stops are charged for food and lodging for the pilot(s). For waiting time on ground , please see relevant section under 'Waiting time on ground'.